Pincure ZPincure ZPincure Z UV LED offers a powerful solution in a compact and lightweight package for ultimate high speed pinning between inkjet print heads.
MZ 40MZ 40R&D developments have provided IST INTECH with an industry leading compact, cost effective yet high performance air cooled UV LED solution.
MZ 80MZ 80The MZ. Specifically targeted at small to medium wide format graphics printers and digital industrial markets.
SZSZIST INTECH introduces the next generation of its UV LED family the SZ. With upto 14 w/cm² peak irradiance and a lightweight construction.
VZVZVZ LEDcure is specifically designed for the needs of the Super Wide and Grand Format Printing industry with 16W/cm² output.
VZXVZXThe VZX is a ground-breaking innovation with 22W/cm² of super high dose UV output bringing air cooled LED technology into the domain only previously possible with water cooling techniques.
DVZDVZThe DVZ double row, air cooled, UV LED curing system is a high dose lamphead designed to meet the demands of higher production speeds.
VZ HDVZ HDThe VZ HD is specifically designed for high speed, single-pass applications with 14W/cm² output, and 20% more dose than the competition.
VZX HDVZX HDThe VZX HD is specifically designed for high speed, single-pass applications with 16W/cm² output, and a whopping 25% more dose than the competition.
Pincure PPincure POur Passively Cooled UV LED Pinning solution delivers high-performance pinning without the need for active cooling systems.
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